Product Name
Tuning Forks And Acessories Osteo Ohm Tuning Fork
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Supplement Facts
Research indicates that low sound frequency is helpful in relieving pain and inflammation and can increase bone density. Results show that the application of frequencies between 25-50 hz promotes the healing of bone , muscles , tendons , and ligaments. The Osteo Ohm resonates with our bone matrix and ancestral DNA/Jing Qi.
Osteo Ohm Tuning Form 34 hz
Ohm Therapeutics Sounf Healing is a simple and efective method of applying OhmTuning Forks to the body, including muscle, bone reflex and acu-points. Theapplied vibration of the Osteo Ohm Tuning Fork travels deeply to move stagnantenergy and opens the bodys energetic pathways.The body naturally resonates with and responds to the earth tone of Ohm; it is adeeply relaxing and effective sound healing frequency which aids the body in itsjourney toward homeostasis and healing.Additional insructions and color photographs included inside package!