Citric Acid, Preservative To Maintain Freshness, Ethyl Alcohol, Malt Extract, Purified Water, Sodium Benzoate, Sucrose, Drug Facts Active, 4.6 G In Two Teaspoons, Tsp, = 10 Ml, Aconitum Napellus 3x Purpose Cough Suppressant, Hoarse, Croupy Cough, , Pain Reliever†† Alfalfa 1x, Coffea Cruda 6x Purpose Helps With Restful Sleep †† Avena Sativa 1x Purpose Promotes Calmness †† Bryonia Alba 3x Cough Suppressant, Hacking, Painful Cough, , Expectorant†† Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 6c Purpose Cough Suppressant, , Expectorant†